October 21, 2009

to: everyone

dear friends,

i just sat down, coffee in hand, ready to write an eloquent 'thank you' to everyone who's reached out and offered their support. it seems, however, that words are hard to find. i have been incredibly humbled to find myself in this web of support you've all woven so delicately, careful not to leave even a little hole through which i could fall - even at the times i feel most vulnerable. it is, admittedly, a new and unusual position for me to be in as the object of so much support, and i'm still learning to to accept it. dealing with the cancer is easy in comparison to adequately expressing enough thanks for each of you.

there are some things i'll never do well...accepting support easily is one of them. i've spent lots of time in my young adult life as a volunteer or employee in organizations that assist others facing adversity in one way or another. i don't do well on the other side of it - as an indiviual facing adversity. one day i'll figure it all out.

there are few words, none more meaningful or adequate than 'thank you'. thank you for your selflessness, your support, your energy and your thoughts. thank you for showing me how far an act of kindness can go. thank you for the will push forward. thank you for not letting me fall. thank you for your smiles. thank you for understanding that words are not enough. each day that i wake up with a stronger will to live, i will thank each of you.

with adoration, strength and a very sincere 'thank you',
your cancer fighting friend

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog on the hodgkins forum and thought I would say "hi" to a fellow Mainer. My wife is almost two years out from the end of her chemo and doing well. Where are you getting treatment? My wife went to MCCM in Brunswick, they were fantastic. You can check her blog out at candacekickscancer.blogspot.com
    Good luck, be well,
